Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pass the love around!

I don't know if it was the beautiful sunny day with signs of an early Spring around every corner, or if it was just knowing that it was Friday and I was looking forward to enjoying the company of my boys, but I was overflowing with love and needed a way to express it.
I could see Cyrus walking across the lawn with his heavy backpack, as he started up the walk to the front door I opened the door and ran towards him with my arms open wide expressing my love for him. I thought he might think I was weird, but he smiled brightly hugged me back and began telling me about his day. This was so much fun that we decided to surprise Talen the same way. This time Cyrus, Brodie, and I running with open arms.
I was was struck by how accepting my boys were of this show of love. They fully embraced it and then continued to pass the love around the rest of the day.
I still find it amazing at what a tight grip my four boys have on my heart, I could not love them more if I tried. I am the luckiest girl on the planet!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Treasure Island 1/15/11

Our thespian strikes again! This time in the Vista Grande elementary school production of Treasure Island. Talen was one of the angry villagers. He had a line, sang songs, and did a little dance. I of course think he was the best angry villager. I am so happy that he gets to have these opportunities to develop his talents.

Even Cyrus and Brodie get into the pirate spirit!

This picture is actually very special, because only days after this was taken Brodie finally gave up his pacifier for good! He made the choice on his own, no sadness or tears. I have to admit though, I am a little sad and I really miss the cute sucking noise he made when he was falling asleep.

Pioneer Luncheon 12/10

Every third grader at Vista Grande reads Little House in the Big Woods and then the children celebrate pioneer style. They dress in pioneer clothing, and give each other homemade gifts, and enjoy homemade foods such as mashed potatoes and apple cobbler. This is all eaten by candlelight. Talen had a great time!

Getting in the Christmas Spirit 12/10

J.D. volunteers to help with the live nativity at the Oakland temple this year, (he is the red shepherd). And yes, that is a 65 year old virgin Mary. I think they were desperate for help.

Home for Christmas

You are never too old for a dog pile!

Christmas Eve camping with grandpa Mark 12/24/10