Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back to School!

We are ending our third week of school and so far so good. Cyrus has his first male teacher this year and finds him a little strict but otherwise nice, and Talen thinks his teacher is just fine. They both start their after-school activities soon and Cyrus will be swimming and playing volleyball, Talen will be swimming and taking a cooking class and learning to play the drums.
Brodie and I are going to story time a the library on Thursdays, and I will keep busy by teaching 3 Pilates classes and a Step class this year. I will be working for the school, and teaching the other classes at our community center again. JD is off to a slow start at work which is nice because I get to see him every night. I try to ignore that in 2 weeks I will be missing him again as things start to get busy.
We are looking forward to another busy year in Moscow and planning lots of trips, as this could be our last year in Russia. The future is unknown, but that is what makes life exciting!

Cyrus is always so excited about the first day of school, always eager to get out the door! He could barely pause from reuniting with his friends long enough for me to take this picture.

Talen is the opposite of Cyrus, he doesn't think his first day of first grade is a big deal, it is all just part of being 6 for him.

Rainbow Bright

It was really cold last week and I dressed Brodie for our morning walk and he reminded me of the children's doll Rainbow Bright, only Brodie was much cuter with his tye-dyed rain boots!

A boy and his dog (well as close as a son of mine will get anyway).

Brodie loves dogs and Kate is his favorite! He has decided that he needs to walk her now, so every time we are out he holds his doggies leash. I am so glad my friend Carolyn doesn't mind!