Monday, August 16, 2010

Vacation success

If there is a friendship test than I think it would be driving in a car together for 17 hours and then spending your only summer vacation by joining your families together and hoping that everyone gets along and has fun. Well I think that if this were the test than we passed! We joined the Miners on this week long trip to Washington and then Cannon Beach, Oregon and we are all still friends.
Thanks for all the great mind opening discussions, hikes, runs, and one up hill bike ride! I could never feel good about eating ice cream everyday (sometimes twice in one day) with anyone but you.

Bainbridge Island, Wa 8/2010

Brodie and I in front of the Boundy barn.
We were so lucky to have been invited to this beautiful farm, a little piece of heaven on earth.

Pike Place Market

This has always been a destination on my bucket list,and I was not disappointed! If I had to use one word to describe this must see destination it would be Bounty! Fresh flowers in all varieties, fruits and vegetables so beautiful and yummy I can almost imagine becoming a vegetarian. And then every yummy treat wafting their aromas down the street like a sirens song for the olfactory senses. I am so glad I got to share this delicious day with the Miner girls.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

Buckets and buckets of flowers, and sooo cheap!

Produce like this motivates me to try a little harder in my garden!