Monday, November 3, 2008

Home sweet home!

After being in India for 9 days, we all missed our little bro! The boys spent the afternoon watching TV together, and we were lucky enough to catch this sweet moment on film. They were so happy to be together again!

Our passage to India!

This year for October break we flew with some friends to India. We started in Dehli then went to Agra, Jaipur, and Ranthambhore. We stayed part of the time in the home of JD's friend Rahul who is from Dehli. If I had to describe India in one sentence I would say, It is an assault of the senses! Everything from colors to flavors is intensified. The highlight for the boys was the tiger safari and setting off hundreds of fireworks on Dewali, (Hindu New Year). JD and I loved seeing the Taj and enjoyed watching the day to day life of the people in India. This was an amazing adventure!

Cyrus charms the locals!

Talen's new friends.

Danvi, Talen, and Dia

Dressing up for Dewali

Kristy, Migna, Ambica, Sita, and Rajni. All dressed up for Hindu New Year! These women were our hostesses for the week and dressed me for the occasion. I loved it!

Ric-shaw anyone?

Relaxing in the Taj hotel!

Halloween in Pokrovsky!

We celebrated Halloween early this year (October, 17th), as the school was having a week long break over the 31st and everyone goes on vacation. Some neighbors from the Canadian Embassy built this haunted house out of moving crates, it covered 2 double garages! It was really amazing. I hosted a Halloween party complete with pumpkin soup and pumpkin cake. I even made the boys costumes this year (with help from Carolyn). I guess I was having a Martha Stuart moment. The boys had a great time, we are really going to miss our friends here if we move this summer.