Tuesday, July 29, 2008


There is a scene from one of my favorite movies, (Stand By Me) when a kid at a pie eating contest throws up and soon the whole audience, judges, participants, etc. are also throwing up. I know gross right? Well I have been living this scene for the last 5 days, and it looks like the end is not yet in sight.
Friday I became very sick, but tried to ignore it as JD had just arrived in town and we were on our way to San Diego for a great vacation with some good friends. I did my best, but alas I was indeed sick and have since past it on to Brodie, Cyrus, JD, and my friend Becky.
We have washed so many towels, sheets, clothes, and even a car seat you would think we run a laundry mat! My fingers and toes are crossed that this is the end, but what ever this bug is it is fast and furious!
I can't believe this is how I am spending my summer vacation!
Send all your good thoughts and prayers our way, we need at least 1 sick free day this week!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Diamond Backs game with aunt Holly! 7/22/08

Talen and Holly went to the ball game tonight Diamond Backs vs. Cubs. He had a great time, Holly had box seats so they had a waitress, which I think was Talen's favorite part. It is nice to be back home so the kids can do fun things like this with family.
Thanks Holly!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Cyrus leaves for Utah to see his best buddy! 7/19/08

Cyrus was so excited to go see his friend and fly by himself! We are missing him, but are so happy that he is having a great time. He is growing up so fast!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Back in the US of A!!

We have concluded another year in Moscow and are back in AZ for the summer. We have had a great 2nd year in Moscow with many highlights, these are some of my favorite moments... Dale and Linda coming to visit in April and how excited we all felt the minute we saw them standing in our doorway! JD was promoted at work, I am so proud of how hard he works, he is amazing! Long walks with Brodie in the stroller, the spring was beautiful in Moscow, and we tried to be outside as much as possible. Talen lost his first tooth, and Cyrus was Mr. Arable in his school's production of Charlotte's Web. The Miner's came for a visit in June and it was so fun to see how much fun our boys had with their girls.
I am going to miss all my friends in Moscow this summer and look forward to another year of adventures!